

There have been remarks that Linus Torvalds (one of the greatest contributor, in my opinion, to the computer world and father of the Linux kernel) has switched to an Apple Macintosh as his main desktop. Full article can be found here.

I would like to clear this up a little by saying that his main desktop is NOT really a Mac. He clearly states that "it obviously only runs Linux, so I don't think you can call it a Mac any more." And I couldn't agree more. It annoys me that Mac proponents are trying to claim this as a victory for the Mac. He simply uses the architecture, NOT the whole "Mac experience."

So in summation, Linus Torvalds does not use a mac! His main desktop is Linux running on a PowerPC architecture!

Now to just figure out which distro he runs........


I have changed the comments settings so that anyone may now comment rather than only registered members. Hopefully this will encourage visitors to start leaving comments.

I am also considering watching for certain regular posters and adding them as members of the site so that they may post straight to the blog as well. You all let me know what you all think. Look for my quick rant regarding Linus Torvalds and his "mac."


PayPal Alternative

For those of you out there looking for a decent alternative to PayPal, look no further. The best alternative I have found so far is StormPay. They offer a free account and are just as easy to use as PayPal. Only downside is that the fees are slightly higher than PayPal's, yet you don't have to deal with the negative reputation that PayPal has. Sign up for your free account today and enjoy!


Eugenics: Law of Nature

"The law of heredity winds like a red thread through the family history of every criminal, of every epileptic, eccentric and insane person. Shall we sit still ... without applying the remedy?"
-- Auguste Forel

"Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants and the sterilisation of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."
--Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race

"The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand of clearest reason and, if systematically executed, represents the most humane act of mankind. It will spare millions of unfortunates undeserved sufferings, and consequently will lead to a rising improvement of health as a whole."


Retardation = Proof of Christinsanity?

Ever notice how some of the most devout Christians are those with mentally retarded, disabled, or deformed children? Why is that!? As if they have so much to be thankful for that they were "blessed" with such a fucked up child......?


Welcome to World of Filth were you will be subject to my ramblings on the filth of this world! Feel free to be offended, yet reserve all complaints for yourself or someone else that gives a damn.